
VWM disease is chronic and progressive with periods of relative stability, followed by episodes of more rapid and severe deterioration after any of the following triggers causing the condition to worsen:

  • Minor head trauma (even a small bump to the head)

  • Infection with a fever of 99.5 degrees & above

  • Avoid emotional/physical stress or fright (Physiological / Cellular Stress)

    • Such as surgery/being put under. If surgery is a must, please ask for a different anesthetic and explain to doctors that with VWM it can cause deterioration. Please follow the Mitochondria surgery protocol

  • Avoid amino acid deprivation

    • For example, if vomiting and the hospital administrate glucose in form of an IV that causes amino acid deprivation. (Amino acid starvation is not something that occurs directly. So, fluid in the acute phase and amino acids are added within 24 hours)

    • If you feel intervention is needed you can try a supplement, There's like 9 essential amino acids that your body doesn't make and has to get from food, and there are a few more that are conditionally essential, meaning your body can normally make them but stops making them when it's under stress. It is worth a try to supplement when sick, but always consult with your doctor first.


  • Exposure to extreme heat and cold weather for long periods